Monday, January

Tag: diamond glaze

Antique Patinas
Free Jewelry Making Lessons

Antique Patinas

When you join several parts together into a single piece you may not be happy with how one of the parts blends with the others. Perhaps you bought the components from different suppliers who use different platers and one piece is brighter than the others or you would like to make the whole piece look older. The following technique will help you to achieve that look. YOU WILL NEED:1. Flat black or brown water base craft paint.2. A small paint brush (about 1/4 inch wide)3. A soft toothbrush4. A soft cloth that you don't mind throwing away or paper towels5. Extra fine grade steel wool pads Directions:1. Paint the whole piece with the craft paint. (Glass stones will not be harmed but be cautious about porous gemstones that may become too dark.) You can also j...
Glue Tips
Free Jewelry Making Lessons

Glue Tips

Here are tips for using E6000 glue, Crafters Goop and Diamond Glazeā„¢. When you use E6000 glue make sure it is fresh, clear and stringy straight from the tube. It starts to dry quickly and if it is cloudy to start, it won't set up properly. Use a toothpick or a needle tool to distribute only a tiny amount (see photo). Leave the original set undisturbed for twenty-four hours.The next day you can embellish with cabochons, jewels, stones or other metal pieces. I used this method for years to create unique settings. I usually had at least ten items drying in various stages.You only need a small dot of glue to hold flat objects together as seen in the example. Keep this perspective in mind as you work.Always make sure both the setting and the stones...