Tuesday, October 22VintageJewelrySupplies.com

The Lighter Side

Yesterday, I was working on an order when my cell phone rang as it so often does. A young sounding fellow said to me “I’m taking a shot in the dark here. I found this woman’s purse and the only phone number in this whole bag is on your business card, so I’m calling you. Do you know this person?” Within two minutes I sent her an email to each of the email addresses she had used with me and located a phone number for her through her last PayPal payment. It took about eight minutes to locate her so that Scott could return her bag to her.

She was visiting New York City from her home in Ontario, Canada when Scott, the Good Samaritan found her bag…nothing was missing from it when he returned it to her!

It really is a small world and we never know just how important we might be to people we may never even get to meet.

Some of the funny stories people send me about their jewelry making experiences are just too good not to share with you.

Bejewelled Animals!

Whilst watching television late one evening in bed I saw a woman wearing a fabulous outfit in autumn colours. So, in a moment of inspiration I jumped out and gathered together my autumn design cabochons and your lace edge 18mm settings in preparation for a necklace.

I couldn’t be bothered to go into my jewellery room and clear a space so I set the cabs and settings out on the floor … and I applied the medium setting glue to both surfaces. Knowing I had a few minutes spare I ran down stairs and made a quick mug of coffee and then ran back up to set the cabs in the settings.

On his way down the stairs I met my cat …. his back and tail covered in my work! I can only assume the thought they might be the perfect surface for a roll for a back scratch! What he didn’t manage to stick to himself was now adhered to my carpet!

Laughing away I spent the rest of the evening removing them with my nail scissors. (You will be pleased to hear his fur grew back perfectly!). Much later that evening I wondered why my dog was walking in a strange way … yes he had one stuck to the fur on his foot!!

Note to self, the floor is not a work surface ;o)


Hey Susan,

Well last night I was trying to wrap the gorgeous Emerald stone in a Maltese cross. It just wouldn’t fit no matter what I tried. I had these metal bumps sticking out all over. So I took my husband’s plumbing wrench (I know you’re cringing) and clamped that big boy on the stone and wrap and squeezed like my life depended on it. I not only busted two of the Maltese wraps trying this, but the stone flew out and popped my husband in the knee. He was surprised, but it was so funny we both fell over laughing.

So, this morning after coffee and a good nights sleep, I looked at the stone and one of your open turtles that I bought awhile back. Guess what? It fits very nicely and I didn’t even have to bring out the plumbing wrench. I guess sometimes it’s the simple route that works best.

I know I’m a novice, but I just wonder how many funny stories you get from other people trying to make jewelry. So far, I’ve glued my fingers shut with crazy glue (before I knew about E6000), broken so many glass cabs that I should start a mosaic, bent so many findings into clumps of metal that I could build a small car with them, the list goes on and on…..
One more thing I learned. I should never make jewelry past 11:00 PM. I’m too weird/crazy at that time to work on anything. Oh, and I put away the plumbing wrench.


Visit our store web site VintageJewelrySupplies.com to shop for these and thousands more items. (minus the plumbing wrench)
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