Tuesday, February 18VintageJewelrySupplies.com


Meet Susan

Meet Susan

Hi everyone! I am Susan Street, the President of VintageJewelrySupplies.com. I started the company at my kitchen table in 1989 with an original investment of about $6.00. These days I am also a fashion blogger for fun so stop by my blog SusanAfter60.com. We are so thankful for Susan Street! She is no longer the primary owner of Vintage Jewelry Supplies Inc., but she is forever the original heart and soul of the company.Regina Jilton - Owner - VintageJewelrySupplies.com
Photo Slide Show
Artisan Jewelry, Inspiration

Photo Slide Show

Over the years, we've saved many pictures of designs by clients, students and also a few pictures of our own designs. We've created a photo album featuring some of the collection. We hope that you will find inspiration to create your own designs from the examples shown here. If you would like us to include a photo of your work and a link to your site, please send us an email using our main contact page here. Our current jewelry making artist list on this photo slide show includes the following: Created by Susan Street - VintageJewelrySupplies.com Created by Willie Zuniga - www.etsy.com/shop/MorningGloryLegacy Created by Nancy Hamilton - NancyLTHamilton.com Created by Jessica Galbreth - TheVintageAngel.com Created by Terri Moore - www.etsy.com/shop.forthecrossjewelry ...
The Lighter Side

The Lighter Side

Yesterday, I was working on an order when my cell phone rang as it so often does. A young sounding fellow said to me "I'm taking a shot in the dark here. I found this woman's purse and the only phone number in this whole bag is on your business card, so I'm calling you. Do you know this person?" Within two minutes I sent her an email to each of the email addresses she had used with me and located a phone number for her through her last PayPal payment. It took about eight minutes to locate her so that Scott could return her bag to her. She was visiting New York City from her home in Ontario, Canada when Scott, the Good Samaritan found her bag…nothing was missing from it when he returned it to her! It really is a small world and we never know just how important we might be to people we...
Beyond the Sparkle

Beyond the Sparkle

I believe we are here to bring joy to the lives of others and in so doing, that joy will be returned to you many times over. I received the special letter below several years ago but I'm always inspired to start the day with a positive attitude each time I read it. This lady is a testament to the strength and good in all of us. I applaud her and others like her who give so much of themselves when it would be so easy to just give up.Susan Street Dear Susan, I hope you don't mind my taking a few minutes to tell you how much your lovely products have affected my life, as well as the lives of others. I am a 54-year-old widow, a mom and a grandma, and am currently fighting my third battle with cancer.  My treatments are tough, I spend many days in bed, literall...
The Power of Creativity

The Power of Creativity

When at first you look at this necklace, it doesn't appear extraordinary … although it's just lovely in it's simplicity - it certainly isn't unusual. Read on to learn why it is so special … Lottie is 82 years old.  In addition to suffering from breast cancer, she is in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease.  She lives with her grandson, but recognizes him only about 25% of the time.  When he brings her to class, she has not once appeared to remember the instructor or why she is there.   She is usually confused and disoriented, often insisting that she must "go fix supper" or "get to the chores."  It's usually a real challenge to get her to sit down at the table with the rest of the class. But ....the very instant she sits down and...
A Lost Art
Artisan Jewelry, Inspiration

A Lost Art

Before World War II the most gifted of artisans created one of a kind jewelry from specially made fabulous cut glass stones using materials and techniques known only to them. The materials were found locally and the techniques were passed down through the generations. These exquisite items were found in the basement of a building locked and abandoned after Hitler took over Czechoslovakia. Perhaps they were made for a special order for a grand department store in Germany. We may never know the true history of these items. The original owner of the building was never found, so it was recently sold by the current government of the Czech Republic to a woman who discovered the treasures packed away in boxes as she was exploring her newly purchased building. The items shown in the...
The Duchess and other Grand Ladies

The Duchess and other Grand Ladies

During our journey through life, we meet many people along the way. Some are in our lives for only a short time and yet the impact they make is life changing. There were many women who helped me become the person I am, but the most dramatic of them was "The Duchess". I was in my twenties and she was in her eighties when I met this grand lady. I lived across the street from her home in Norfolk, VA for a couple of years. From the first day I saw her, before she spoke a single word to me, she began teaching me lessons that would stay with me throughout my life. She was born in a great plantation house on Avery Island in Louisiana at the turn of the century. Her first husband was a Diplomat so she lived in Europe for several years.She was the hand m...
My Creative Roots
Ideas, Inspiration

My Creative Roots

One of my favorite memories of childhood was sitting with my father as he drew pictures for me of the farm life we love. Through out my life he has fueled my creative energy, influenced and inspired me in so many ways. After all these years of seeing the jewelry I make and helping me to separate countless plating orders, he was inspired to create this special wood project. My father, Kenneth, built this wagon in the shape of a sled as a gift for my cousin's young son Max. Dad used scrapes of wood and bits and pieces left over from plating orders as well as items picked up at yard sales and flea markets to create this wonderful wagon which will be treasured by our family for generations. Thank you to both my parents for giving me all that I ...
My Last Collection

My Last Collection

Gallery and boutique owners often used my work in their advertising. Among my favorites was this ad for a very elegant gallery in Virginia. The owner is shown wearing a necklace and earrings I created for that year's fall collection. This was the last collection for me as a full time designer...now I work for you! I no longer create a full collection, but in order to satisfy my artist's soul, I still make a few pieces for private commissions and to add to my own collection. This is a closeup shot of a necklace similar to the one being worn in the ad above. Visit our store web site VintageJewelrySupplies.com to shop for these and thousands more items.(NOTE: our website best viewed on desktop or tablet)

The Long Journey Home

To give you some history… I left my hometown in 1979 to join the Navy. After four years I started a consulting firm and later began designing jewelry as a hobby which grew into a full adventure of it's own. Over the years, I have had many adventures and traveled to many countries. I've made my share of mistakes along the way which were life lessons to make me stronger. The following thoughts were recorded early one morning as I was approaching Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, TN. I was alone, driving a moving van loaded with all my worldly possessions as I completed a very long journey home where I've at last found peace. I'm going home!   Home to the undulating hills, the emerald mountain spires reaching right up to the skies,among the clouds floating past my finger...