Tuesday, February 18VintageJewelrySupplies.com

Tag: funny jewelry making stories

The Lighter Side

The Lighter Side

Yesterday, I was working on an order when my cell phone rang as it so often does. A young sounding fellow said to me "I'm taking a shot in the dark here. I found this woman's purse and the only phone number in this whole bag is on your business card, so I'm calling you. Do you know this person?" Within two minutes I sent her an email to each of the email addresses she had used with me and located a phone number for her through her last PayPal payment. It took about eight minutes to locate her so that Scott could return her bag to her. She was visiting New York City from her home in Ontario, Canada when Scott, the Good Samaritan found her bag…nothing was missing from it when he returned it to her! It really is a small world and we never know just how important we might be to people we...