Tuesday, February 18VintageJewelrySupplies.com

Tag: jewelry design

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Free Jewelry Making Lessons, Ideas

Videos Page 2

Creating integrated bails for pendants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZMpsc7zQWo&feature=emb_logo Get ready for Fall now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioZrC7RAHrA Tips for using E6000 glue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XCUonJ34K4 Mounting Antique Buttons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9VDoXRX8tE Visit our store web site VintageJewelrySupplies.com to shop for these and thousands more items.(NOTE: our website best viewed on desktop or tablet) We are so thankful for Susan Street! She is no longer the primary owner of Vintage Jewelry Supplies Inc., but she is forever the original heart and soul of the company. Sincerely,Regina JiltonOwner – VintageJewelrySupplies.com
Free Jewelry Making Lessons, Ideas


New to Jewelry Design? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8agjPgDAcfI Just Glue It! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwlzhv0r4bA Brass Stampings and Filigrees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeXxEqPkPLc Necklace Ideas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQXrin9LK_c Visit our store web site VintageJewelrySupplies.com to shop for these and thousands more items.(NOTE: our website best viewed on desktop or tablet) We are so thankful for Susan Street! She is no longer the primary owner of Vintage Jewelry Supplies Inc., but she is forever the original heart and soul of the company. Sincerely,Regina JiltonOwner - VintageJewelrySupplies.com
Free Jewelry Making Lessons

Pricing Your Work

The cost of the items used to make your jewelry has no bearing on the price you charge for your creations. Think about how long it has taken you to learn your techniques not just the amount of time it took for you to put together one item. This lesson will guide you in making pricing decisions when you start to sell your work to the public or to stores and galleries. The wholesale cost of these earrings is $37.50.  The boutique selling these earrings will offer them at a retail cost of more than $75.00. This lesson will be very helpful if you wish to sell your jewelry to stores. Never undercut your wholesale client's prices. When you sell to the public also, you must sell at the same price the stores sell your items. This is...